11 Keys To Peak Performance

For over 40 years I’ve studied, taught, trained, coached, observed and learned from, peak performers.

All of this exposure has allowed me to see the good, the bad and the ugly in myself and others in nearly every possible type of situation imaginable. During all that time, I’ve studied and made notes about the attitudes, skills and actions of peak performers and I’ve narrowed them down to these keys. I’m sharing these keys so you can realize that the things peak performers do are mostly about attitude and effort. Peak performance is more about who they are, than their skills, but in my opinion who they are, becomes their biggest advantage!

My message to everyone I share this with is simple...There isn’t one thing peak performers do regularly that you can’t do. None of these keys requires you to have anything you weren't born with the ability to develop. The only thing holding you back from becoming a peak performer in life and your profession is you. So, stop waiting, complaining, making excuses and start on your mission today!


1. Focus on always helping, serving and doing what's best...They make people more important than things!

2. Always work to build trust by being a likable, trustworthy, expert in their field.

3. Have a positive attitude, mental toughness and give a maximum effort.

4. Hold themselves accountable for their results...They never blame others or their company and always accept full responsibility for their attitudes, skills and actions.

5. Have a plan and work their plan.

6. Are focused and know the importance of not allowing their time to be wasted by email, technology, social networks or routine tasks that distracts them from their priorities.

7. Continually learn, grow and improve and in doing so are open minded, embrace change and look to others to gain knowledge, information and insight.

8. Know the most important assets they have are their own time, effort and attitude.

9. Treat people with respect by being open, honest and direct at the same time being kind, caring and compassionate.

10. Set and hold themselves accountable to standards far surpassing what others would expect of them.

11. Are goal oriented in everything they do and understand how being goal oriented gives them self-discipline.

By Mike Moore

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