7 Up's To Peak Performance

Rise UpStart and end each day with grit, determination, gratitude and a smile! Put a bounce in your step and energy in your voice!

Show UpArrive early and be prepared with the right intention and purpose.

Reach UpSet high expectations and only accept your very best. Keep learning, growing and improving.

Listen UpPeople will know you care about them, and trust you, if you’re listening with the intention to help, serve and do what’s best for them.

Stand UpBe courageous! Ask the difficult questions and be willing to serve people, not please people. Be the expert by sharing your knowledge and experience to help them do what’s best for them.

Warm UpBe helpful. People will feel what you feel and believe what you believe. Be caring, kind and courageous. Difficult situations and people require more time, courage and expertise…Be gracious and friendly but firm in your conviction to do what’s best for them.

Follow UpFollow through! Do what you say you will do. Stay in touch and leave people knowing you care about them and are there to help them. Always do a little more than you promise…Go the extra mile!

By Mike Moore

Real Leadership Is An Act Of Love!

Leaders pay attention, people will respond to your challenge is your challenge is made because you love them and want the best for them. #MooreThoughts #Leadership