5 Keys For Leaders Who Coach

Every leader needs to be aware of the traits and relationships that instill the attitudes, inspire the actions and increase the skills of the people they are responsible to lead. Below are five key traits of leaders that will unlock your people power and help you become a great

It takes more than being honest to be trustworthy. Honest is a first step but being open and direct in your communication is also necessary. In addition, if you have to be asked more than once to get something done you aren’t trustworthy. If your people are going to trust you and therefore believe in you, they need to know they can depend on you.

A leader needs to set high standards and then hold people accountable to meet those standards. People want to be part of something they can be proud of. When standards aren’t set and people aren’t held accountable, good people become discouraged and leave your company. Without high standards and accountability, you’ll be left with only mediocre performers who don’t like to be held accountable or take responsibility.

To lead effectively you’ll have to choose to care enough about your people to coach their attitudes, before they become poor actions, which produce unacceptable results. Stop focusing on things and focus on people. You cannot lead things, only people, and if you want things to improve, people have to improve first.

Make time for your people. The excuse, “I’m to busy”, isn’t good enough. Pay attention and listen to them to validate them. In addition, they usually know more about your business than you think they do and often more than you do.

Don’t just embrace change! Be the champion for change. This will keep people motivated, energized and renewed. Managing change keeps veteran employees from becoming complacent, helps people keep learning, growing and improving and ensures your business will remain relevant to your customers.

By Mike Moore

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